Is a massage chair hsa eligible in 2023?

A massage chair is a specialized chair designed with mechanisms that mimic the techniques used by massage therapists. These chairs offer a range of massage techniques, from kneading and tapping to shiatsu and rolling, all aimed at alleviating muscle tension, improving blood circulation, and promoting relaxation. Regular use of a massage chair can lead to various health benefits, such as reduced stress, improved sleep quality, and relief from chronic pain.

HSA (Health Savings Account)


Imagine a particular bank account, but just for medical expenses. You can put money in it without paying taxes on that money. Later, you can use this money to pay for doctor visits, medicines, and other health-related costs.

HSA Eligibility

To use an HSA or Health Savings Account, there are certain rules you need to follow. Let’s break them down:

General Rules for HSA Eligibility:

  1. High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): You must have a health insurance plan with a higher deductible. This means you pay more out-of-pocket before your insurance starts covering costs.
  2. Age Limit: You should be under 65 years old.
  3. No Other Health Plan: You can’t be enrolled in Medicare or have another health insurance plan.

HSA Eligibility for Massage Chairs:

For a massage chair to be HSA eligible, it’s not as simple as just wanting one for relaxation. There are specific criteria:

  1. Therapeutic Purpose: The massage chair should be used for a specific health reason, not just for general relaxation.
  2. Treat a Specific Medical Condition: The chair should be helping with a particular health issue you have.
  3. Prescription Required: A licensed healthcare professional, like a doctor, should recommend or prescribe the massage chair for your health condition.

Medical Conditions That May Qualify:

If you have certain health problems, a massage chair might be considered a valid medical expense for HSA. Some of these conditions include:

  • Chronic Back Pain: Constant pain in the back that affects daily activities.
  • Arthritis: Joint pain and stiffness that can make movement difficult.
  • Sciatica: Pain that travels from the lower back down the leg due to nerve issues.

Remember, just having these conditions doesn’t automatically mean your HSA will cover a massage chair. It’s essential to get a prescription and check with your HSA provider.

Verifying HSA Eligibility for Massage Chairs

If you’re considering using your HSA to purchase a massage chair, it’s essential to ensure you’re following the rules. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Steps to Verify HSA Eligibility:

  1. Contact Your Health Insurance Provider: Before making any decisions, reach out to your health insurance provider or HSA administrator. They can provide clarity on what’s covered and what’s not.
  2. Get a Letter of Medical Necessity: This is a document from your doctor stating that the massage chair is a medical necessity for your condition. It should specify the medical reason, how the chair will help, and the duration of the treatment.
  3. Keep All Documentation: Once you’ve made the purchase, keep all receipts, warranty information, and any other related documents. If your HSA provider ever questions the expense, you’ll have proof of the medical necessity and the purchase.

Tips on Choosing the Right Massage Chair:

  1. Assess Your Medical Needs: Different chairs offer various therapeutic features. Ensure the one you choose addresses your specific medical condition.
  2. Set a Budget: Massage chairs come in a range of prices. Determine what you’re willing to spend and stick to that budget.
  3. Read Reviews: Look for reviews from other users, especially those with similar medical conditions. Their insights can be invaluable.
  4. Test Before Buying: If possible, test out a few chairs in stores. This will give you a feel for what’s comfortable and effective for you.

Examples of HSA Eligible Massage Chairs:

While the eligibility of specific models will depend on your HSA provider and medical condition, here are some types of massage chairs that might be considered:

  • Zero-Gravity Massage Chairs: These chairs recline to a position where your legs are elevated above your heart, reducing stress on the spine and enhancing the massage’s effects.
  • Shiatsu Massage Chairs: Inspired by the Japanese technique of Shiatsu, these chairs use kneading, pressing, soothing, tapping, and stretching to relieve tension.
  • Full-Body Massage Chairs: These chairs offer a comprehensive massage experience, targeting the neck, back, shoulders, legs, and sometimes even the arms and hands.

Remember, the key is to ensure the chair you choose aligns with your medical needs and has the backing of your healthcare professional. Always consult with your HSA provider before making a purchase.

Pros and cons of HSA Eligible Massage Chairs


  1. Tax Savings: One of the primary advantages of an HSA is its tax benefits. The money you put into an HSA isn’t taxed, so using it to buy a massage chair can save you a significant amount on taxes.
  2. Health Improvements: Regular use of a massage chair can lead to various health benefits:
    • Stress and Pain Reduction: Massage chairs can help alleviate muscle tension, reducing stress and chronic pain.
    • Improved Blood Circulation: The massage techniques can enhance blood flow, promoting better oxygen and nutrient distribution throughout the body.
    • Better Posture: By relaxing tense muscles, especially in the back and neck, massage chairs can aid in improving posture.
  3. Long-Term Investment in Health: While the upfront cost of a massage chair can be high, it’s a one-time investment that can provide therapeutic benefits for years, potentially reducing the need for frequent therapist visits.


  1. Limited Funds for Other Medical Expenses: Using your HSA funds for a massage chair means you’ll have less money available for other medical needs. If unexpected medical expenses arise, you might find your HSA depleted.
  2. Potential Penalties and Taxes: If you use your HSA funds for a massage chair and it’s later determined that the purchase wasn’t a qualified medical expense, you could face taxes and penalties on the amount used.
  3. Maintaining Eligibility Requirements: To use HSA funds, you need to ensure you meet all eligibility criteria. This means maintaining a high-deductible health plan and not being enrolled in other disqualifying health coverage.
  4. Documentation Burden: Using HSA funds for a massage chair requires you to keep detailed records, including a letter of medical necessity, receipts, and other related documents. This can be cumbersome and necessary to avoid potential issues with the IRS.

Navigating the world of Health Savings Accounts (HSA) can be complex, especially when considering the purchase of therapeutic items like massage chairs. Here’s a recap of what we’ve discussed:

  • Massage Chairs: These are specialized chairs designed to mimic the techniques of massage therapists, offering potential health benefits like stress reduction, improved blood circulation, and better posture.
  • HSA Eligibility: To use HSA funds, one must have a high-deductible health plan, be under 65, and not be enrolled in Medicare or another health plan. For a massage chair to be HSA eligible, it should serve a therapeutic purpose, treat a specific medical condition, and be prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional.
  • Benefits of Using HSA for Massage Chairs: The primary advantage is tax savings. Additionally, investing in a massage chair can lead to long-term health improvements, potentially reducing the frequency of therapist visits.
  • Drawbacks: Using HSA funds for a massage chair can limit funds available for other medical needs. There’s also the risk of penalties and taxes if the purchase is deemed non-qualified. Plus, there’s the responsibility of maintaining eligibility and documentation.

From the information gathered, Zarifa USA suggests that their products, including massage chairs, are HSA/FSA eligible. However, it’s always recommended to verify with your HSA provider.

Based on the potential health benefits of massage chairs and the tax advantages of HSAs, using HSA funds for a massage chair can be a wise investment in one’s health. However, it’s crucial to ensure that all eligibility criteria are met and to keep detailed records of the purchase. If you’re considering this option, consult with both your healthcare professional and HSA provider.

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