Do Massage Chairs Burn Calories

Do Massage Chairs Burn Calories

The realm of health and wellness is filled with innovations designed to enhance our well-being. Among these, do massage chairs burn Calories have carved a niche for themselves, offering unparalleled relaxation and relief from daily stresses. As they work their magic on our tired muscles, an unexpected question surfaces: Can these chairs, in their soothing motions, also contribute to calorie burn? This notion might seem surprising, given that we’re essentially seated during the process. In this discourse, we’ll explore the science and insights behind this query, shedding light on whether massage chairs truly have a role in calorie expenditure. Let’s dive into this fascinating exploration together.

How Massage Chairs Affect Your Metabolism and Calorie Burning

How Massage Chairs Affect Your Metabolism and Calorie Burning

Massage chairs, beyond their obvious relaxation benefits, have a more profound impact on our body’s internal systems. Let’s delve into the mechanics of how these chairs might influence our metabolism and calorie-burning processes.

Muscle Stimulation

Massage chairs are designed to mimic the hands and techniques of professional masseuses. Through various movements like kneading, tapping, and rolling, they target specific muscle groups. This continuous stimulation not only helps in relieving muscle tension but also increases blood flow to these areas. Enhanced blood flow ensures that muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients, aiding in their recovery and overall health.

Blood Circulation and Lymphatic System Boost

One of the primary benefits of massage is the enhancement of blood circulation. When the massage chair works on your body, it promotes better blood flow, ensuring that every part of your body receives an adequate supply of oxygen-rich blood. This improved circulation also aids in the removal of waste products and toxins from the body.

The lymphatic system, a crucial component of our immune system, relies on movement to function effectively. Massage chairs stimulate the movement of lymph fluid, helping in the efficient removal of waste and toxins. This process is vital for detoxification and maintaining a healthy immune response.

Metabolism and Calorie Burning

With improved muscle health, blood circulation, and a more efficient lymphatic system, the body’s metabolic rate can see a boost. A higher metabolism means that the body burns calories at a faster rate, even when at rest. While the calorie burn during a massage session might not be as significant as during a workout, the cumulative effects of regular massages can contribute to overall calorie expenditure.

Supporting Studies and Statistics

While the direct correlation between massage chairs and significant calorie burn is still a topic of research, some studies suggest that massage therapy can influence metabolism. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage therapy can have a positive effect on patients’ overall well-being, including their metabolic rates. Another study in the International Journal of Neuroscience highlighted the potential benefits of massage in enhancing blood flow and improving the efficiency of the body’s systems.

Do Massage Chairs Burn Calories & Help you Lose Weight?

Do Massage Chairs Burn Calories & Help you Lose Weight?

Massage chairs are a popular tool for relaxation, stress relief, and alleviating muscle tension. But can they also contribute to calorie burning and weight loss? Let’s delve into the science and facts behind this intriguing question.

Calorie Burning Potential

  1. Muscle Stimulation: Massage chairs are designed to mimic the techniques of professional masseuses, targeting specific muscle groups. This stimulation can increase blood flow to these areas, ensuring muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients. While this process does require energy, the calorie burn is minimal compared to activities like walking or exercising.
  2. Blood Circulation and Metabolism: Improved blood circulation can lead to a slight increase in metabolic rate. However, this increase is temporary and not significant enough to result in noticeable weight loss.
  3. Heat Features: Some massage chairs come with built-in heating functions. While heat can increase blood flow and boost metabolism slightly, the calorie burn due to this feature is minimal.

Weight Loss Considerations

  1. Complementary to a Healthy Lifestyle: While a massage chair might offer relaxation and muscle relief, it should not be considered a primary tool for weight loss. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential for effective weight loss.
  2. Stress Relief and Weight Management: Chronic stress can lead to weight gain, especially around the abdominal area. By reducing stress, massage chairs might indirectly support weight management. However, this effect is more about preventing weight gain rather than promoting weight loss.
  3. Post-Exercise Recovery: Using a massage chair after workouts can aid in muscle recovery, allowing you to maintain a consistent exercise routine. In this indirect way, massage chairs can support your weight loss journey by enhancing your exercise regimen.

How Many Calories Can You Burn with a Massage Chair

How Many Calories Can You Burn with a Massage Chair

While massage chairs primarily serve to relax and rejuvenate, they also have the potential to burn some calories. However, the number of calories burned is not as significant as, say, a rigorous workout. The calorie burn is influenced by various factors, including weight, height, age, gender, and the intensity of the massage. Let’s explore how to estimate this calorie expenditure.

Calculating Calorie Burn

The calorie burn during a massage chair session can be estimated using the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic functions while at rest. While the massage chair is in use, the body’s metabolic rate is slightly elevated due to muscle stimulation and increased circulation.

To calculate the calorie burn, you can use the following steps

  1. Calculate your BMR using the Harris-Benedict equation:
    • For men: BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) – (5.677 x age in years)
    • For women: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) – (4.330 x age in years)
  2. Estimate the increase in metabolic rate due to the massage chair. A conservative estimate might be a 5% increase in BMR during the massage session.
    • Calorie burn during massage = BMR x 0.05 x duration of massage in hours


For a more user-friendly approach, you can use online BMR calculators and then apply the 5% increase for the massage session duration.


  1. John: A 30-year-old male, weighing 70kg, and 175cm tall.
    • BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x 70) + (4.799 x 175) – (5.677 x 30) = 1682.59 calories/day
    • If John uses the massage chair for 1 hour: Calorie burn = 1682.59 x 0.05 = 84.13 calories
  2. Sophia: A 28-year-old female, weighing 60kg, and 165cm tall.
    • BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x 60) + (3.098 x 165) – (4.330 x 28) = 1389.91 calories/day
    • If Sophia uses the massage chair for 1 hour: Calorie burn = 1389.91 x 0.05 = 69.5 calories
  3. Alex: A 45-year-old male, using a high-intensity massage chair, weighing 80kg, and 180cm tall.
    • BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x 80) + (4.799 x 180) – (5.677 x 45) = 1796.31 calories/day
    • If Alex uses the massage chair for 1 hour: Calorie burn = 1796.31 x 0.05 = 89.82 calories

How to Maximize Your Calorie Burning with a Massage Chair

How to Maximize Your Calorie Burning with a Massage Chair

While massage chairs are primarily designed for relaxation and muscle relief, with the right strategies, you can enhance the calorie-burning potential of your sessions. Here are some tips, tricks, and practices to help you get the most out of your massage chair experience:

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use Heat Features: Many modern massage chairs come with built-in heating functions. Heat can help increase blood flow and boost metabolism, leading to a slight increase in calorie burn. Activate the heat function during your massage sessions to reap these benefits.
  2. Incorporate Vibration: Vibration can stimulate muscles and increase circulation. If your chair has a vibration feature, use it in conjunction with other massage functions to maximize calorie burn.
  3. Engage Airbags: Airbags in massage chairs compress and release muscles, simulating the effects of a manual massage. This action can help in muscle relaxation and a minor increase in metabolic rate.
  4. Adjust Intensity: Higher intensity massages can stimulate muscles more, leading to a slightly higher calorie expenditure. If your chair allows, adjust the intensity settings to a more vigorous massage.
  5. Frequent Sessions: Instead of one long session, consider multiple shorter sessions throughout the day. This can keep your metabolism slightly elevated at different times.

Practices to Combine

  1. Exercise Before Massage: Engaging in a workout before your massage can increase the calorie-burning effects. Your metabolism remains elevated post-exercise, and the massage can further enhance this effect while aiding in muscle recovery.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can boost metabolism. Ensure you’re well-hydrated before and after your massage session. The massage can also help flush out toxins, and water aids in this detoxification process.
  3. Mindful Eating: Pairing your massage sessions with a balanced diet can enhance overall health benefits. Consuming protein-rich foods post-massage can aid in muscle repair and growth.
  4. Meditation: Combining your massage session with mindfulness or meditation practices can enhance relaxation and stress relief, leading to better overall well-being.

Massage Chairs with Enhanced Features

  1. Osaki OS-4000T: This chair offers heat therapy for the lower back, zero gravity positioning, and airbag massage technology, making it a top choice for those looking to maximize benefits.
  2. Infinity IT-8500: Known for its deep tissue massage capabilities, this chair also offers heat therapy in the lumbar region and foot rollers, enhancing blood flow and relaxation.
  3. Human Touch Novo XT2: This chair boasts a range of features, including heat, zero gravity positioning, and air massage technology. Its long track design ensures a thorough massage from neck to glutes.

Checkout the How to Disassemble a Massage Chair Guide

How to Compare the Calorie Burning Potential of Different Massage Chairs

How to Compare the Calorie Burning Potential of Different Massage Chairs

When considering the calorie-burning potential of various massage chairs, it’s essential to understand that while some features might enhance calorie burn, the primary purpose of these chairs is relaxation and muscle relief. Here’s how you can compare different chairs based on their potential and performance:

Pros and Cons of Different Types of Massage Chairs

  1. Zero Gravity Chairs
    • Pros: These chairs recline to a position where your legs are elevated above your heart, reducing strain on the spine and improving blood circulation. Improved circulation can slightly boost metabolism.
    • Cons: They might be more expensive and take up more space.
  2. Heated Massage Chairs
    • Pros: Heat can increase blood flow and slightly elevate metabolism. It also aids in muscle relaxation and pain relief.
    • Cons: Overuse of heat can cause discomfort or skin irritation for some users.
  3. Chairs with Vibration Features
    • Pros: Vibration can stimulate muscles and increase circulation, potentially leading to a minor increase in calorie burn.
    • Cons: Not everyone finds vibration comfortable, and it might not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions.
  4. Airbag Compression Chairs
    • Pros: Airbags simulate the effects of a manual massage, aiding in muscle relaxation and minor metabolic rate increase.
    • Cons: The sensation might be intense for some users, especially if the chair doesn’t allow for intensity adjustments.

Comparison Table of Massage Chair Features:

Feature/SpecificationZero GravityHeatedVibrationAirbag Compression
Calorie Burn PotentialMediumHighMediumLow to Medium
Price RangeHighMedium to HighLow to MediumMedium to High
Space RequirementHighMediumMediumMedium
Comfort LevelHighHighVariesVaries
Suitability for ElderlyHighHighLowMedium

Tips on Choosing the Right Massage Chair:

  1. Determine Your Primary Goal: If calorie burning is a significant factor for you, consider chairs with heat and vibration features. However, remember that the calorie burn will be minimal compared to other activities.
  2. Budget: Higher-end chairs with multiple features might be more expensive. Determine your budget and find a chair that offers the best value within that range.
  3. Space: Some chairs, especially zero gravity ones, require more space. Ensure you have adequate room in your home.
  4. Test Before Buying: If possible, test different chairs to determine which one feels most comfortable and meets your needs.
  5. Read Reviews: Look for reviews that specifically discuss the chair’s performance and potential for calorie burn.
  6. Consider Longevity: Invest in a durable chair from a reputable brand, ensuring it lasts longer and provides consistent performance.

The Different Types of Massage Chairs and Their Calorie-Burning Potential

The Different Types of Massage Chairs and Their Calorie-Burning Potential

Massage chairs have become a sought-after luxury for many, offering relaxation, stress relief, and muscle tension alleviation. But with the variety of massage chairs available, how do they differ in terms of calorie-burning potential? Let’s explore the different types of massage chairs and their impact on calorie expenditure.

1. Zero Gravity Massage Chairs

  • Description: These chairs recline to a position where the user’s legs are elevated above the heart, simulating a weightless environment.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: The elevation can improve blood circulation, which might slightly boost metabolism. However, the calorie burn remains minimal.

2. Heated Massage Chairs

  • Description: Chairs equipped with heating pads or elements that provide warmth to specific areas of the body.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: The heat can increase blood flow and slightly elevate the metabolic rate. While this might lead to a minor increase in calorie burn, it’s not significant for weight loss.

3. Chairs with Vibration Features

  • Description: These chairs come with a vibration mechanism that stimulates muscles.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: Vibration can increase circulation and muscle activity. While this might lead to a slight increase in calorie burn, it’s still minimal compared to active exercises.

4. Airbag Compression Chairs

  • Description: Chairs equipped with airbags that inflate and deflate, simulating the effects of a manual massage.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: The compression and release action can stimulate blood flow and muscle activity. However, the calorie burn remains on the lower side.

5. Shiatsu Massage Chairs

  • Description: These chairs mimic the traditional Japanese Shiatsu massage technique, using rollers and nodes to apply pressure to specific points on the body.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: While Shiatsu can improve blood flow and muscle relaxation, its calorie-burning potential is similar to other massage chairs – minimal.

6. Full Body Massage Chairs

  • Description: Chairs that offer a comprehensive massage experience, targeting the neck, back, legs, and sometimes even arms.
  • Calorie-Burning Potential: Given the extensive coverage, these chairs might offer a slightly higher calorie burn than targeted chairs, but the difference is negligible.


Do massage chairs have a significant impact on calorie burning?

  • While massage chairs can stimulate muscles and increase blood circulation, the calorie burn during a session is minimal compared to traditional exercises.

How does the heat function in massage chairs affect calorie burn?

  • Some massage chairs come with a heating function, which can increase blood flow and slightly elevate metabolism. However, the calorie burn due to this feature is minimal.

Can I replace my workout routine with massage chair sessions for weight loss?

  • No, massage chairs should not be considered a replacement for regular physical activity. While they offer relaxation and muscle relief, their calorie-burning potential is limited.

How often should I use a massage chair to maximize calorie burn?

  • Using a massage chair frequently can offer relaxation and muscle recovery benefits, but its impact on calorie burning remains minimal regardless of frequency.

Do zero-gravity massage chairs burn more calories than regular ones?

  • Zero-gravity chairs elevate the legs and reduce strain on the spine, improving blood circulation. While this might slightly boost metabolism, the difference in calorie burn between zero-gravity and regular chairs is negligible.

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